Oceanis 46.1 | Cadence

(Id: 14240)

Komolac, ACI Marina Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

945 cijena od 945 Nisu uključene Obavezne usluge: Comfort Pack (*** OBLIGATORY: For sailing yachts 43 - 49 ft - The Comfort package includes our Navigare welcome package, the final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, propane gas, full water tanks, 2 sets of snorkeling gear (mask, fins, snorkel), free Wi-Fi internet onboard, transit log. NOTE: Yacht fuel is not included – the fuel tank will be filled when your charter starts, and you are responsible for topping off the fuel tank at the end of your charter. Welcome pack includes : 2 matches, 2 paper rolls, toilette paper for each wc, garbage bags-pack, dish mob, dish sponge, washing liquid for dishes, gasoline for outboard engine, 2 cooking gas, beer, water, sparkling water), Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY - sailing yachts up to 49ft - Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage* - NEW! Includes final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine and outboard fuel, one bottle of gas, full water tank, snorkeling equipment. Surcharge for 2 or more weeks - 185 EUR/week!), Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY -GRE-charter for boats up to 49ft - Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage* welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, gas, full water tanks, snorkelling equipment, free Wi-Fi Internet on board (unlimited)), Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY - CRO - OBLIGATORY (+170.00 EUR surcharge for each additional week applicable) charter sailing boats up to 49 ft- Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage*, welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, gas, full water tanks, 2 sets of snorkelling equipment, 10 GB free Wi-Fi Internet per day, TOURIST TAX ), Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY - sailing-yachts up to 49 ft - Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage* - welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, cooking gas, full water tanks, 2 sets of snorkelling equipment, free Wi-Fi Internet on board (2 GB per week) ***The mooring on the first and last night included in pricein price), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 28+ days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 28+ days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 28+ days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 14 and 28+ days) na čekanju
Popust -0%





14.60 m

Motor x 0
80 hp

Jedrilica Oceanis 46.1 "Cadence" se nalazi u Komolac, ACI Marina Dubrovnik, Hrvatska. Proizveden godine 2024, omogućuje smještaj za 10 osoba u 4 kabina, s 2 wc-a i tuševa.   pročitaj više

Oceanis 46.1 "Cadence" je opremljen s furling/roll (samonavijajuće) glavnim jedrom, furling/roll (samonavijajuće) tipom genoe te GPS chart ploter, Bimini top, Automatski pilot, Sprayhood, Tikovina u kokpitu. Ono što čini ovu jahtu posebnom je Platforma za kupanje, Pramčani propeler, Roštilj, Inverter.   Sakrij 

Tehnički detalji

Preuzmi brošuru jahte u PDF formatu.

Tehnički detalji
Tip plovila
Godina gradnje
Glavno jedro
furling/roll (samonavijajuće)
Oceanis 46.1
furling/roll (samonavijajuće)
14.60 m
2 kormilarska kola (timuna)
4.50 m
Tank goriva
200 l
2.35 m
Motor x 0
80 hp
Tank vode
570 l
Tehnički detalji
Tip plovila
2.35 m
Oceanis 46.1
Glavno jedro
furling/roll (samonavijajuće)
Godina gradnje
furling/roll (samonavijajuće)
Motor x 0
80 hp
Tank goriva
200 l
Tank vode
570 l
14.60 m
2 kormilarska kola (timuna)
4.50 m
Popis opreme Popis opreme
Servisne baterije
Neizravno osvjetljenje u kabinama i salonu
Zahodska četka
Genoa sheet winches
Mašina za kavu
Automatski pilot
GPS chart ploter
Nautičke karte
Navigacijski pribor
Parallel ruler
Pramčani propeler
Radar reflektor
Bimini top
Black ball
Black conus
Četka za palubu
Crijevo za vodu
Hvataljka za muring (mezomariner)
Kanistar za gorivo
Kante za gorivo
Konopi za privez
Krmene ljestve
Platforma za kupanje
Pomoćni čamac sa motorom
Pomoćno sidro (rezervno sidro)
Tikovina u kokpitu
Vanbrodski motor
Aparat za gašenje požara
Baterijska lampa
Dimna kutija
Horseshoe lifebuoy (potkova za spašavnje)
Komplet prve pomoći
Protupožarna deka
Prsluci za spašavanje (pojas za spašavanje)
Prsluk za spašavanje (pojas za spašavanje) (dječji)
Rog (truba) za maglu
Set alata
Signalno ogledalo
Splav za spasavanje
Jastuci u kokpitu
Mreza protiv komaraca
FUSION sound sistem
Preuzmi brošuru jahte

Cijene i raspoloživost

Provjeri tjedne cijene i raspoloživost

05.04. - 12.04.2025
12.04. - 19.04.2025
19.04. - 26.04.2025
26.04. - 03.05.2025
03.05. - 10.05.2025
10.05. - 17.05.2025
17.05. - 24.05.2025
24.05. - 31.05.2025
31.05. - 07.06.2025
07.06. - 14.06.2025
14.06. - 21.06.2025
21.06. - 28.06.2025
28.06. - 05.07.2025
05.07. - 12.07.2025 -20%
€ 5.085  4.068
12.07. - 19.07.2025 -20%
€ 5.625  4.500
19.07. - 26.07.2025 -20%
€ 6.200  4.960
26.07. - 02.08.2025 -20%
€ 6.010  4.808
02.08. - 09.08.2025 -20%
€ 6.655  5.324
09.08. - 16.08.2025 -20%
€ 6.040  4.832
16.08. - 23.08.2025 -20%
€ 5.955  4.764
23.08. - 30.08.2025 -20%
€ 4.780  3.824
30.08. - 06.09.2025 -10%
€ 4.890  4.401
06.09. - 13.09.2025
13.09. - 20.09.2025
20.09. - 11.10.2025
11.10. - 18.10.2025 -10%
€ 1.920  1.728
18.10. - 25.10.2025 -10%
€ 1.050  945
25.10. - 01.11.2025 -10%
€ 1.050  945
02.11. - 13.03.2026
14.03. - 21.03.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
21.03. - 28.03.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
28.03. - 04.04.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
04.04. - 11.04.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
11.04. - 18.04.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
18.04. - 25.04.2026 -10%
€ 1.940  1.746
25.04. - 02.05.2026 -10%
€ 1.870  1.683
02.05. - 09.05.2026 -10%
€ 1.870  1.683
09.05. - 16.05.2026 -10%
€ 1.870  1.683
16.05. - 23.05.2026 -10%
€ 3.490  3.141
23.05. - 30.05.2026 -10%
€ 3.640  3.276
30.05. - 06.06.2026 -10%
€ 3.920  3.528
06.06. - 13.06.2026 -10%
€ 3.920  3.528
13.06. - 20.06.2026 -10%
€ 4.470  4.023
20.06. - 27.06.2026 -10%
€ 4.470  4.023
27.06. - 04.07.2026 -10%
€ 6.280  5.652
04.07. - 11.07.2026 -10%
€ 5.650  5.085
11.07. - 18.07.2026 -10%
€ 6.250  5.625
18.07. - 25.07.2026 -10%
€ 6.250  5.625
25.07. - 01.08.2026 -10%
€ 6.360  5.724
01.08. - 08.08.2026 -10%
€ 6.360  5.724
08.08. - 15.08.2026 -10%
€ 6.360  5.724
15.08. - 22.08.2026 -10%
€ 5.970  5.373
22.08. - 29.08.2026 -10%
€ 5.030  4.527
29.08. - 05.09.2026 -10%
€ 4.900  4.410
05.09. - 12.09.2026 -10%
€ 4.550  4.095
12.09. - 19.09.2026 -10%
€ 4.550  4.095
19.09. - 26.09.2026 -10%
€ 3.490  3.141
26.09. - 03.10.2026 -10%
€ 2.850  2.565
03.10. - 10.10.2026 -10%
€ 1.940  1.746
10.10. - 17.10.2026 -10%
€ 1.940  1.746
17.10. - 24.10.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
24.10. - 31.10.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
31.10. - 07.11.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
07.11. - 14.11.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
14.11. - 21.11.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
21.11. - 28.11.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
28.11. - 05.12.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
05.12. - 12.12.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
12.12. - 19.12.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
19.12. - 26.12.2026 -10%
€ 1.050  945
Oceanis 46.1 | Cadence

Komolac, ACI Marina Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

Što je uključeno?

  • Platforma za kupanje
  • Pramčani propeler
  • Roštilj
  • Inverter
Sakrij Što je uključeno?
Promijeni datum  
Početna cijena
€ 945
Popust -0% 
€ -0
Vaša cijena  Nisu uključene Obavezne usluge: Comfort Pack (*** OBLIGATORY: For sailing yachts 43 - 49 ft - The Comfort package includes our Navigare welcome package, the final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, propane gas, full water tanks, 2 sets of snorkeling gear (mask, fins, snorkel), free Wi-Fi internet onboard, transit log. NOTE: Yacht fuel is not included – the fuel tank will be filled when your charter starts, and you are responsible for topping off the fuel tank at the end of your charter. Welcome pack includes : 2 matches, 2 paper rolls, toilette paper for each wc, garbage bags-pack, dish mob, dish sponge, washing liquid for dishes, gasoline for outboard engine, 2 cooking gas, beer, water, sparkling water), Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY - sailing yachts up to 49ft - Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage* - NEW! Includes final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine and outboard fuel, one bottle of gas, full water tank, snorkeling equipment. Surcharge for 2 or more weeks - 185 EUR/week!), Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY -GRE-charter for boats up to 49ft - Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage* welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, gas, full water tanks, snorkelling equipment, free Wi-Fi Internet on board (unlimited)), Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY - CRO - OBLIGATORY (+170.00 EUR surcharge for each additional week applicable) charter sailing boats up to 49 ft- Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage*, welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, gas, full water tanks, 2 sets of snorkelling equipment, 10 GB free Wi-Fi Internet per day, TOURIST TAX ), Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY - sailing-yachts up to 49 ft - Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage* - welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, cooking gas, full water tanks, 2 sets of snorkelling equipment, free Wi-Fi Internet on board (2 GB per week) ***The mooring on the first and last night included in pricein price), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 28+ days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 28+ days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 28+ days), Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 14 and 28+ days)
cijena od  945

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Dodatne usluge

Pogledaj cijene dodatnih usluga

Obavezne usluge
Comfort Pack (*** OBLIGATORY: For sailing yachts 43 - 49 ft - The Comfort package includes our Navigare welcome package, the final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, propane gas, full water tanks, 2 sets of snorkeling gear (mask, fins, snorkel), free Wi-Fi internet onboard, transit log. NOTE: Yacht fuel is not included – the fuel tank will be filled when your charter starts, and you are responsible for topping off the fuel tank at the end of your charter. Welcome pack includes : 2 matches, 2 paper rolls, toilette paper for each wc, garbage bags-pack, dish mob, dish sponge, washing liquid for dishes, gasoline for outboard engine, 2 cooking gas, beer, water, sparkling water) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / € 340
Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY - sailing yachts up to 49ft - Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage* - NEW! Includes final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine and outboard fuel, one bottle of gas, full water tank, snorkeling equipment. Surcharge for 2 or more weeks - 185 EUR/week!) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / € 475
Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY -GRE-charter for boats up to 49ft - Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage* welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, gas, full water tanks, snorkelling equipment, free Wi-Fi Internet on board (unlimited)) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / € 540
Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY - CRO - OBLIGATORY (+170.00 EUR surcharge for each additional week applicable) charter sailing boats up to 49 ft- Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage*, welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, gas, full water tanks, 2 sets of snorkelling equipment, 10 GB free Wi-Fi Internet per day, TOURIST TAX ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / € 515
Navigare Carefree (*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY - sailing-yachts up to 49 ft - Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage* - welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, cooking gas, full water tanks, 2 sets of snorkelling equipment, free Wi-Fi Internet on board (2 GB per week) ***The mooring on the first and last night included in pricein price) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / € 560
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
2 tjedna / € 185
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
2 tjedna / € 185
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
2 tjedna / € 185
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 14 and 20 days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
2 tjedna / € 220
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
za 3 tjedna / € 350
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
za 3 tjedna / € 350
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
za 3 tjedna / € 350
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration between 21 and 27 days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
za 3 tjedna / € 385
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 28+ days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
za 4 tjedna i više / € 515
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 28+ days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
za 4 tjedna i više / € 515
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 28+ days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
za 4 tjedna i više / € 515
Navigare Carefree doplata tijekom dva / više tjedana (Damage waiver insurance, bed linen & towels/ obligatory - will only be added to a charter with a duration of 14 and 28+ days) - Plaćanje unaprijed
za 4 tjedna i više / € 550
Neobavezne usluge OtvoriZatvori
APA (Advance Provisioning Allowance) (The APA amount is used to cover all expenses during the course of the charter such as fuel, food, beverages, mooring fee and other expenses not included in the Charter Fee. The captain of the yacht is responsible for accounting for all APA expenses during the charter, and the breakdown will be presented to the client at the end of the charter. (AVAILABLE ONLY WHEN BOOKED WITH NAVIGARE SKIPPER AND HOSTESS OR COOK)) - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / 4.000
APA (Advance Provisioning Allowance) (The APA amount is used to cover all expenses during the course of the charter such as fuel, food, beverages, mooring fee and other expenses not included in the Charter Fee. The captain of the yacht is responsible for accounting for all APA expenses during the charter, and the breakdown will be presented to the client at the end of the charter. (AVAILABLE ONLY WHEN BOOKED WITH NAVIGARE SKIPPER AND HOSTESS OR COOK)) - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / 4.000
APA (Advance Provisioning Allowance) (The APA amount is used to cover all expenses during the course of the charter such as fuel, food, beverages, mooring fee and other expenses not included in the Charter Fee. The captain of the yacht is responsible for accounting for all APA expenses during the charter, and the breakdown will be presented to the client at the end of the charter. (AVAILABLE ONLY WHEN BOOKED WITH NAVIGARE SKIPPER AND HOSTESS OR COOK)) - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / 4.000
Naknada za otkaz rezervacije (If cancellation occur 4 days prior to start ) - Plaćanje u bazi
po rezervaciji / 700
Naknada za otkaz rezervacije (If cancellation occur 4 days prior to start ) - Plaćanje u bazi
po rezervaciji / 700
Sigurnosna mreža / zaštitna ograda (Railing net - mounting not included. Clients must mount the railing net (safety net) by themselves) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / € 110
Sigurnosna mreža / zaštitna ograda (Railing net - mounting not included. Clients must mount the railing net (safety net) by themselves) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / € 110
Sigurnosna mreža / zaštitna ograda (Railing net - mounting not included. Clients must mount the railing net (safety net) by themselves) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / € 110
VIP Pack (VIP PACK Sailing yachts (fast track service on arrival and access to the yacht at 13.00 pm + a luxurious drink welcome pack)) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / 200
VIP Pack (VIP PACK Sailing yachts (fast track service on arrival and access to the yacht at 13.00 pm + a luxurious drink welcome pack)) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / 200
VIP Pack (VIP PACK Sailing yachts (fast track service on arrival and access to the yacht at 13.00 pm + a luxurious drink welcome pack)) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / 200
VIP Pack (VIP PACK Sailing yachts (fast track service on arrival and access to the yacht at 13.00 pm + a luxurious drink welcome pack)) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / 200
VIP Pack (VIP PACK Sailing yachts (fast track service on arrival and access to the yacht at 13.00 pm + a luxurious drink welcome pack)) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / 200
Stand up paddle (SUP) (200 EUR/two weeks) - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / € 130
Stand up paddle (SUP) (210 EUR/two weeks) - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / € 145
Stand up paddle (SUP) (Price per day) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po noci / € 15
Stand up paddle (SUP) (per booking) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / € 315
Kajak - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / € 90
Kajak - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / € 285
Donut (includes 1 donut) - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / € 65
Genaker (200 EUR DEPOSIT) - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / € 155
Genaker (+500 EUR extra deposit) - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / € 165
Genaker (+500 EUR extra deposit) - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / € 220
Adrenalin pack (* upon request - + 300 EUR deposit - includes 2 donuts, 1 wake board, 1 pair of water skis, bigger rib (4,70m) with outboard engine 50 HP in Trogir and 40 HP in Dubrovnik. **Important note: The bigger rib is to be towed and can not be used in Italian water territories! Surcharge for a skipper if clients book an adrenalin pack - 200 EURO ***CANNOT BE USED ON ONE-WAY CHARTERS***) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / 1.050
Skiper (Skipper (requires own cabin + food). ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
dnevno + hrana / 175
Skiper (Skipper bareboat service sailing boats up to 50ft ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.400
Skiper (Skipper (requires own cabin + food). ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter. ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.385
Skiper (Sailing yachts up to 59 ft ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.640
Skiper (Skipper bareboat service (sailing yachts up to 50ft ) ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.680
Skiper (Skipper bareboat service sailing boats up to 50ft ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.400
Skiper (Skipper bareboat service sailing boats up to 50ft ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.540
Skiper (Skipper bareboat service (sailing yachts up to 50ft ) ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.680
Skiper (Skipper bareboat service (sailing yachts up to 50ft ) ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.850
Skiper (Skipper (requires own cabin + food). ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
dnevno + hrana / 160
Skiper (Skipper (requires own cabin + food). ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
dnevno + hrana / 160
Skiper (Skipper (requires own cabin + food). ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter. ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.385
Skiper (Skipper (requires own cabin + food). ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter. ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.525
Skiper (Sailing yachts up to 59 ft ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.640
Skiper (Sailing yachts up to 59 ft ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.805
Hostesa (Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. / Sailing-yachts up to 49 ft) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.050
Hostesa (Hostess (requires own cabin + food). Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. ***NOTE: Hostess details will be available 3 days before the charter. ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.270
Hostesa (Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. For sailing yachts up to 49 ft.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.260
Hostesa (Hostess (requires own cabin + food). Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. For Sailing yachts. ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.330
Hostesa (Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. For sailing yachts up to 49 ft.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.260
Hostesa (Hostess (requires own cabin + food). Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. For Sailing yachts. ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.330
Hostesa (Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. For sailing yachts up to 49 ft.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.385
Hostesa (Hostess (requires own cabin + food). Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. For Sailing yachts. ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.465
Hostesa (Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. / Sailing-yachts up to 49 ft) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.050
Hostesa (Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. / Sailing-yachts up to 49 ft) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.155
Hostesa (Hostess (requires own cabin + food). Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. ***NOTE: Hostess details will be available 3 days before the charter. ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.270
Hostesa (Hostess (requires own cabin + food). Breakfast, light lunch, keeping the boat and toilet clean. ***NOTE: Hostess details will be available 3 days before the charter. ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.385
Kuhar - Plaćanje u bazi
dnevno + hrana / 130
Kuhar (Cooking breakfast, lunch, 5 dinners a week, supply, keeping the kitchen clean (not the rest of the boat, not the cabins). ***NOTE: Cook details will be available 3 days before charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.540
Kuhar - Plaćanje u bazi
dnevno + hrana / 130
Kuhar - Plaćanje u bazi
dnevno + hrana / 145
Kuhar (Cooking breakfast, lunch, 5 dinners a week, supply, keeping the kitchen clean (not the rest of the boat, not the cabins). Requires own cabin and toilet. ***NOTE: Cook details will be available 3 days before charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.890
Kuhar (Cooking breakfast, lunch, 5 dinners a week, supply, keeping the kitchen clean (not the rest of the boat, not the cabins). Requires own cabin and toilet. ***NOTE: Cook details will be available 3 days before charter.) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.890
Usluga Parkinga (Navigare parking Special slots within the Baotic Marina, only for Navigare clients. Price is per week, per vehicle. UPON REQUEST, LIMITED NUMBER) - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / 55
Crew surcharge early check in (VIP crew surcharge 125€ per crew member. *** (ONLY APPLIED WHEN VIP PACK AND A CREW MEMBER ARE BOOKED)*** ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / 125
Dodatno čišćenje (Cleaning and new bed linen and towels) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / 330
Dodatne usluge
Accommodation point purchase - Plaćanje unaprijed
po brodu / 15
Gritchen osiguranje od otkaza rezervacije (with Covid coverage (4% of client's Total price) - European clients Only ) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / 38
Instruktor jedrenja (Sailing Instructor: price per week - food (Skippering with the basic school of sailing and manoevring)) - Plaćanje unaprijed
Tjedno + hrana / 1.960
Transfer (OW - Dubrovnik Airport - ACI Marina Komolac Up to 3 persons) - Plaćanje unaprijed
u jednom smjeru / 60
Bicikl (Marina bike) - Plaćanje unaprijed
tjedno / € 130
Dodatni ručnici i posteljina - Plaćanje unaprijed
po osobi / € 6
Napuhavajući prsluk za spašavanje (Inflatable life vests and Jackstay) - Plaćanje unaprijed
po rezervaciji / € 55

Dobro je znati

Pogledaj važne informacije

Lokacija Komolac, ACI Marina Dubrovnik, HrvatskaIdi na Komolac, ACI Marina Dubrovnik

Check-in: subota od 17:00h |Check-out: subota do 09:00h

Moguće je zatražiti alternativno vrijeme check-ina i check-outa.


Jedrenje i VHF radio dozvola potrebni su za plovidbu u Hrvatskoj. Uz hrvatske licence prihvaća se i većina međunarodnih certifikata o jedrenju. Ako vi ili vaši članovi posade nemate potrebne certifikate, možemo vam ponuditi uslugu profesionalnog skipera - samo ga odaberite kao dodatnu stavku u svoju rezervaciju. Za više informacija o potvrdama o plovidbi koje vrijede za najam plovila bez posade u Hrvatskoj kliknite Ovdje.

Sigurnosni depozit

€ 0 - povratni iznos koji treba platiti u bazi gotovinom ili kreditnom karticom prije ukrcaja. Nadoknadit će vam se prilikom iskrcaja nakon što je brod pregledan i potvrđen kao neoštećen.

Uvjeti otkaza

Croatia Yachting nudi puni povrat novca za sva otkazivanja izvršena u roku od 48 sati od potvrde rezervacije Vrijedi za sve potvrde do 15 dana prije ukrcaja. Politika otkazivanja ovisi o čarter operateru i bit će uključeni u Opće uvijete za najam plovila za vašu određenu rezervaciju.