CNB Yachts

Home Yacht Charter Brands CNB Yachts

CNB, or Construction Navale Bordeaux, is a well-known industry pioneer in the building of sailing and power yachts. A CNB yacht is first and foremost recognized by its "one-of-a-kind design". More specifically, a layout that allows for an interior space that faces the outside and where the lines between rooms dissolve. Currently, on product line, there are 4 yacht models: CNB 66, CNB 76, CNB 78 and CNB 88.

Formally founded in 1987, this prosperous yacht-building business was a member of the Bènèteau Group of Businesses until 2021, when it was sold to Italian shipyard Solaris. Currently, Solaris manages 26,000 sqm of space, 6,000 of which are shielded facilities that house every stage of every operation. The Shipyard has changed significantly throughout the course of its forty years of operation, becoming more industrially organized and incorporating the most recent technological advancements. Nonetheless, it has been able to retain its soul—that of the skilled artisans who take pride in their work. Read moreLess


Yacht models

Yacht Type